Hey there, I'm Mitzi
An entrepreneur with a servant’s heart, an unwavering optimist, and a fierce advocate for people with unique abilities and untapped potential.
Speerhead Beyond (and this site) is dedicated to ensuring individuals with disabilities (and their circles of support) secure meaningful employment and earn competitive wages to help them, well, build the life they love.
Download one of our powerful resources and start generating serious momentum in a key area of your employment journey!

Lead Your IEP Meeting
Get our FREE Planning Guide and editable, student-led IEP template

Prepare Now for Your Future
Grab our year-by-year Transition Planning Checklist

Discover Your Perfect Career Match
Create your ideal career profile with these 4 great tools

About Mitzi
Before there was 100% supported employment placement rate. Before there was a TWC-approved curriculum. Before there were 5+ degrees…there was a small-town girl with a huge dream: Help. Every. Individual. Gathering her vast work experience, education, and drive to seek out evidence-based best practices, Mitzi has built an award-winning team to break through barriers and inspire uniquely-abled individuals to obtain and advance in a meaningful, long-term, integrated, employment opportunity.
Time and time again, she proves that by shifting the mindset from “I can’t do this” to “I’ve got this!” even the most timid job seeker can conquer overwhelm and self-doubt, dominate the job search process and go beyond challenges to create a life they love!
Read Mitzi's StoryIf you're here, you're awesome!
I trust our worlds connected because you already play a key role in the life of someone with unique talents. Or, maybe you are the one who has all the special gifts!
Either way, navigating the waters of landing the perfect job for an individual with disabilities can be murky, at best. I don’t have to tell you that the voices of the digital world can create nothing short of a cacophony of chaos, right?
Ready to make sense of all that information? Yeah, I was too!
Whether you’re an individual with disabilities, parent, educator, transition/vocational rehabilitation counselor (T/VRC), or employer, you are in the right place!
Pick a collection below to see how our services can make your life easier!

Queue the spotlight!
Our services place you front and center, providing a healthy platform to display talents, express enthusiasm, and share your passion to contribute to and be a part of a team. Our community makes big, bold moves and takes action on long-awaited dreams and achieves new heights.
Curious what might be in store for you?

“This is the perfect place for me. The perfect job for me.”
- James Counts

"I am working my dream job and absolutely love it.”
- Kevorey Frost

Coming Soon!
"Mondays with Mitzi" Podcast
Expert interviews, heart-felt insights, practical advice, valuable resources and behind-the-scenes secrets from those in the trenches...helping us carry out our mission to HELP. EVERY. INDIVIDUAL.
Whether you are an individual with developmental disabilities or play an integral role in their lives (a family member, an educator, or business manager), you will find tips and tricks to guide you through Post-Secondary options and secure meaningful employment.
Submit Your Idea for Episodes!Pre-Employment Transition Services (“Pre-ETS”)
TWC Approved! Yeah, that’s right. We have the green light. The “all clear” to share our extensive knowledge with you.
Long before Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS) existed, Mitzi was deep in the trenches as a Transition Specialist, pouring her heart into helping others (ages 14-22) to achieve their career goals. That’s great news for you! She’s taken that knowledge, passion and the latest research to develop an action-packed, scalable, TWC-approved curriculum, delivered online or in-person in 5 required core competencies:
- Job Exploration
- Work-Based Learning Experiences
- Counseling on Post-Secondary Education
- Work Readiness Training
- Self-Advocacy